Mexican Tiles Add Grace to Spanish Colonial Architecture

Spanish colonial architecture maintains a certain uniqueness throughout the history. Tall pointed tops of the buildings like churches and cathedrals generate a queer feeling full of awe and majesty. And it lulls the hearts of the beholders who cherish rustic patterns. Mexico being a leading figure in Spain extends its command over the Spanish architecture. Mostly, arresting Mexican tile designs have influenced the appearance of Spanish buildings at large.

Mexican Talavera tiles go well with the interior and exterior designs of Spanish architecture. Bright colors and indigenous designs of them fit into Spanish constructions. Since these buildings are a bit Gothic-like, dark colors and exceptional designs of Mexican tiles preserve that rich look. Mostly, six prominent colors; Blue, yellow, black, green, orange and mauve are used to paint Talavera tiles. These colors are made of natural pigments specially well to fit into Spanish buildings. If you use Mexican tiles for your Spanish home, you’re sure to get several advantages. But you’d never ever get them by using some other brand. So, we’ll see what these attractive Mexican tiles would offer you and how they would improve your Spanish style home.


Mexican tiles are so flexible that you can use it to decorate any area of your home at your own sweet will. They come in beautiful colors and designs to choose between. In fact, it’s hard to make a choice at once since all of them are equally rich in rustic beauty. Here, a great opportunity goes to your own creativity. If you are a creative mind, try to make wonderful, eye-catching designs with bright Mexican tiles. Even without your knowledge, you’ll create marvelous decorations that improve the colonial look of Spanish homes. They would be capable of making an ideal match to your home.

Variety of designs

New geometric tile designs exhibit simplicity and enhance the exceptional look of Spanish style buildings. All these miraculous patterns emerge when the tiles are combined. Since they are all handmade, each and every tile shows a certain uniqueness that better enhances the glory of Spanish buildings. Especially, the bordering tiles add lots of grace and elegance to the edges in counter tops and bath tubs.


Unlike other products, Mexican tiles do not go waste. Even the leftovers could be used for decorative purposes such as making trays or decorating flower pots. All you need is a bit of creativity and an artistic mind. Afterall, these creations even enhance the Spanish colonial appearance of your home.

So, did you see? Nothing but Mexican tiles best go with Spanish architecture. Therefore, never miss the chance of having Mexican tiles to enrich the good looks of your Spanish style home.

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